Go see a ninja show in Japan

Image sourced via: SHINJUKU NINJA LIVE SHOW 

One day, when I travel to Japan, I would like to visit a Ninja show.

Currently, Shinjuku Ninja Live Show offers acrobatics, drums (which look super cool) and Japanese traditional dance. They also have great performance effects.

Each show lasts about 90 minutes and the show is on 3 times a day. Tickets cost 8,000 yen (which as of today is $81.76 AUD - Australian dollars). 

I love the majestic movement of Ninja's and have only seen it in TV shows or movies. I have never seen it acted out. And as I have an aerial background, acrobatics seems like a good addition to the performance. 

You can check it out here: SHINJUKU NINJA LIVE SHOW

#Japan #Ninja 

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