Where to learn how to speak Japanese

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com

I spent about three months, on and off learning to speak (not read) Japanese. I signed up to www.Japanesepod101.com and received easy and not too long Japanese online classes. What I liked is, you could select what the English words were and what the Japanese words were. 

I found the year subscription price, quite affordable, if broken down how much I would be spending a day. For example, I could use the online classes any time of day or night, for a long period or a short period. 

I did like how they spoke in English and then in Japanese. I also liked that they had the normal easy starting off Japanese language learning, such as numbers and introducing yourself. But what I really liked is you could also learn full sentences. I like to learn full sentences, because I feel like I can say cooler stuff than just trying to say one word. 

If for Christmas or the New Year, you want to learn Japanese, I strongly suggest you learn from www.Japanesepod101.com. 

Click here to learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com


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