Welcome to my new blog


Image sourced via: https://www.celebritycruises.com/blog/what-is-japan-known-for

Hello and welcome,

My name is Mel and I am excited to start this new blog related to Japan travels. I personally haven't visited Japan yet, but I am keen to take my family there in the next ten years. (Seems like a long time, but other goals trump this one at this stage).

However, there is nothing wrong with a long goal. I can learn the language and may be even the wording to read while over there. 

I have started to learn the Japanese language, such as Watshi wa Mel des. I am Mel and Arigato - Thank you.

Obviously, I need to learn a lot more and ten years should give me a wealth of time, I just need the commitment to keep learning. 

Have you ever travelled to Japan, please comment below with your most favourite location to visit. 

This blog is going to be everything Japan that I want to see when I travel and hope you might find some cool discoveries as well. 

Please follow my blog, plus check out my other social media pages:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: littlemissmel23. 

Follow me on Facebook: Melanie Toye Author | Facebook

Follow my other blogs: 


Melanie Toye’s walking for health (melanietoyeswalkingforhealth.blogspot.com)

Melanie Toye’s dance (melanietoyesdance.blogspot.com)

#Japan #traveltoJapan


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