Learning the language


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I spent some time learning the Japanese language verbally, not reading/written. However, I have found it hard to keep it all in memory. I think I did it too fast. Instead of focusing on maybe 5 key sentences a week, or even just words. I tried to learn about 30 sentences in a week. It didn't work. 

I know only remember a few key words, such as Arigato (Thank you), Sumimasen (Sorry/Excuse Me), Watshi wa Mel des (I am Mel). Plus some counting numbers, such as 1 - 10 in Japanese. I am disappointed in myself, but I feel, I may have made it too difficult in a short number of time, trying to learn. 

In addition, I do not have a chance to practice it very much, although, I do seem to add it to conversations of Japan, but then I only remember those above words. 

I want to learn. I need may be a word a day? Or a sentence a day? And then every day, repeat the word/sentence and add a new one to learn for that day. 

I am going to try this. 

Last year, I did sign up to Japanese Pod 101. I thought it was a good layout of classes and it showed not just the language, but also the written language. 

Have you started to learn Japanese? Please share some tips below. 

#Japanese #learningJapanese

Click here to learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com


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